Welcome to Cognatus - where transparency matters.
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In a world of digital existence – there are some things that simply need human interaction. Our instincts still long for connection, for detail, for more. That’s where we come in.
At Cognatus, we fill in the details often dismissed during the search for a sperm donor between the parents to be and the donors themselves. We bridge this gap and consider ourselves to be the niche you are looking for.
For Mothers
We offer you the unique opportunity as the impending parents to ask as many questions as you need to feel comfortable. Your search through Cognatus allows you to learn more about the donors you’ve short-listed.
Set you and your future family up for the highest chance of success! With us - you are able to dive as deep into the genetic history as you need to and find the information you need to make an informed decision.

why us?
Access to more information including photos and genetics.
Gain more control over your family’s future through our transparency.
Shortlist your seleceted Donor’s based on facts and records.
Rest assured with our total anonymity clauses and NDA’s.

Become a Donor
As the donor - you are properly valued throughout the process. Your privacy is of the utmost value to us and to all of our clients - which is why we put emphasis on making sure you feel appreciated and respected through your journey with us.
At Cognatus - we want to remunerate you each step of the way.

why us?
Get paid each time your fullprofile is viewed.
Gain control over the pricing of your donations.
Only screened clients gain access to your profile.
Total privacy from public sites.
Contact Us
Get in touch with us to learn more about how we can help you as the impending parent or the donor.
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